CPA Exam Blueprints Explained

The blueprints detail the exam structure and testable topics plus references to guides and reinforce your understanding of exam content. Each section, FAR, REG, AUD, and BEC has its own section with valuable information CPA candidates need to know before they take the exam.

The blueprints contain a lot of valuable information like:

- Exam structure

- Required skills levels: analysis, application, understanding, evaluation

- Accounting guides and resources to learn more about testable content

- Score weight between multiple-choice questions and simulations

- Summarizing testable content by topic areas

In the video below I did a walkthrough of the audit blueprint requested by a CPA candidate.

If you’re asking yourself, “What should I be studying?” use the blueprints as a checklist to make sure you have learned everything that’s testable on your exam.

Watch this video for tips on how to use the audit blueprint.

Originally published at on October 7, 2020.

